Pentru o livrare cat mai rapida va recomandam sa alegeti produse cu stoc in Magazin fizic si in Depozit Online. Produsele cu Stoc furnizor au termen de livrare mai mare si pot intarzia comanda dvs.
articole de pescuit Gama variata de produse

La Claumar Pescar poti alege simplu si rapid dintr-o gama variata de articole de pescuit.

transport gratuit Transport Gratuit

Comenzile peste 300 lei pot beneficia de transport gratuit.

Vezi mai multe detalii

plata in rate Plata cu cardul

Plata cu cardul in rate fara dobanda.

Vezi mai multe detalii

suport Suport 10-18

Suportul telefonic este 10-18. Orice intrebare ai avea, stim ca nu poate astepta. Apeleaza serviciul Suport 10-18! Un consultant asteapta sa iti preia apelul in intervalul orar 10-18 de luni pana vineri.

Vezi mai multe detalii

returnare Returnare simplu in 14 zile

Retur simplu in 14 zile.

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Exclusiv online!


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Exclusiv online!


Exclusiv online!


Exclusiv online!


Exclusiv online!


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Exclusiv online!


Exclusiv online!

Lingura Oscilanta Rapala Nauvo 37 Nav37 Pel

nav37 pel
Livrare 48-72 ore


Afişare 161 - 180 din 2144 (108 pagini)

Una dintre cele mai de succes naluci pentru pescuitul la stiuca este reprezentata de linguri oscilante.Acestea au diferite forme si gramaje de la clasicele Dara Kiler la noile modele Ares.Cele mai uzuale lingurite oscilante sunt cele de la urmatorii producatori:

Lingurite oscilante de la Berti, Lingurite oscilante de la Misu, Lingurite oscilante de la Mepps,  Lingurite oscilante de la Profi Blinker ,   Lingurite oscilante de la Rapala,  Lingurite oscilante de la Rublex,  Lingurite oscilante de la  Strike Pro,  Lingurite oscilante de la  Zebco, Lingurite oscilante de la DAM

Queries: 11, Total time: 38.090 ms [By time] [By id] [By file]
1 (0.077)
FROM `oc_session`
WHERE session_id = '645b5b3f2811808a80810ac8b3'
2 (0.069)
SELECT `trigger`, `action`
FROM oc_event
3 (0.092)
FROM oc_url_alias
WHERE keyword = 'lingurite-oscilante'
4 (0.375)
FROM oc_category c
LEFT JOIN oc_category_description cd ON (c.category_id = cd.category_id)
LEFT JOIN oc_category_to_store c2s ON (c.category_id = c2s.category_id)
WHERE c.parent_id = '233' AND cd.language_id = '2' AND c2s.store_id = '3' AND c.status = '1'
ORDER BY c.sort_order, LCASE(
5 (29.349)
CREATE TEMPORARY TABLE oc_bf_tmp_product (PRIMARY KEY (`product_id`), INDEX my_index (match_filters, sort_order, manufacturer_id)) ENGINE=MEMORY SELECT p.product_id, p.sort_order, p.quantity, p.manufacturer_id, "1" AS match_filters, (IF(MIN(ps.price) IS NOT NULL, MIN(ps.price), p.price) * (1 + IFNULL(percent_tax, 0)/100) + IFNULL(fixed_tax, 0)) AS actual_price
FROM `oc_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_store` AS p2s ON (p2s.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_bf_filter` AS f ON (p.product_id = f.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_product_to_category` AS p2c ON (p.product_id = p2c.product_id)
LEFT JOIN `oc_product_special` AS ps ON (ps.product_id = p.product_id AND (ps.date_end = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_end > NOW()) AND (ps.date_start = '0000-00-00' OR ps.date_start < NOW()) AND ps.customer_group_id = '1')
LEFT JOIN ( SELECT SUM(fixed_rate) AS fixed_tax, SUM(percent_rate) AS percent_tax, tax_class_id
FROM `oc_bf_tax_rate` GROUP BY tax_class_id) AS tx ON (p.tax_class_id = tx.tax_class_id)
WHERE p2s.store_id = '3' AND p2c.category_id = '233' AND p.status_filtru > 0 AND p.price > 0 GROUP BY p.product_id
6 (7.615)
SELECT p.*, pp.sort_order, pp.viewed, IF ((pp.quantity) > 0, 1, 0) AS array_quantity
FROM `oc_bf_tmp_product` AS p
INNER JOIN `oc_product_description` AS pd ON (pd.product_id = p.product_id)
INNER JOIN `oc_product` AS pp ON (pp.product_id = p.product_id)
WHERE match_filters = 1 AND pd.language_id = '2'
ORDER BY array_quantity DESC, pp.sort_order ASC, pp.viewed DESC, DESC LIMIT 160, 20
7 (0.100)
FROM oc_stock_status
WHERE furnizor LIKE '%"TACKLE SHOP ARENA SRL"%' AND language_id = '2'
8 (0.077)
FROM oc_stock_status
WHERE furnizor LIKE '%"RAPALA VMC ROMANIA SRL"%' AND language_id = '2'
9 (0.140)
FROM `oc_pb_bundles`
WHERE `products` != '' AND `status`= '1' AND type = '1' AND `date_available` <= NOW() AND `customer_type` = 0 AND `categories_show` LIKE '%"233"%' LIMIT 0, 1000
10 (0.120)
FROM `oc_pb_bundles`
WHERE `products` != '' AND `status`= '1' AND type = '0' AND `date_available` <= NOW() AND `customer_type` = 0 AND `categories_show` LIKE '%"233"%' LIMIT 0, 1000
11 (0.075)
FROM `oc_mxt_setting`
WHERE store_id = '3' AND name = 'lichidare_stoc'